One-Rep Max Calculator

Calculate your max for any lift with this 1RM calculator. Get strategic about getting bigger, stronger, and faster!


Your One-Rep Max (one-rm): ?

95%: ?
90%: ?
85%: ?
80%: ?
75%: ?
70%: ?
65%: ?
60%: ?
55%: ?
50%: ?


Trainers and coaches often set up programs with percentages based on your one-rep max (1RM) because they don't know your actual strength level, but they know what percentages they want you to be using relative to your 1RM. Here are some important caveats to remember when using them:

The lower the number of reps you enter in, the more accurate your 1RM will be. In other words, a three-rep max (3RM) will give you a better estimate than a 12RM.

No 1RM is worth getting injured over ultimately forcing you to stop training. Remember that each exercise has its own 1RM. Don't use your back squat 1RM to compute your front squat.

Really want to know your 1RM? The most accurate way is to literally lift what you can, safely, for 1 rep. Until then, this calculator is a great alternative.